
Example protocol Q-check for anaesthesia

The Q-Check syringe tray is a proven tool that makes double-checking possible in the operating room in just two simple steps. Below these steps are described.

First, make sure that the Q-Check is positioned in the OR in a way that makes the text on the label legible. In addition, executing the double-check should always be carried out by two people. 

Step 1: Double-check during preparation of medication

For complete anaesthesia or for maintaining it, the anaesthetic nurse prepares the anaesthetic medication with a colleague*. The medicine concerned is passed by a colleague and after verification drawn up in the syringe. In all cases the syringe needs to be labeled with the medication name and dose. When a syringe is ready it is being lay out on the Q-Check and the corresponding ampoule is placed in the holder behind the syringe. 

Step 2: Double-check before administering medication

Before administering the drugs to a patient, the anaesthesiologist/ anaesthesia assistant checks of the label correspond with the matching ampoule and he/she disposes the empty and checked ampoules in the glass container. This check can eventually be carried out by a operation assistant.

The anaesthesia assistant or anaesthesiologist should administer the medication immediately after executing above steps.

Please note!
  • It is not allowed to prepare anaesthesia medication on forehand for more than one operation. In that case checking the drugs can no longer be performed safely.
  • If administering medicaments has to be done unexpectedly, you may deviate from the double check.

* This can be an anaesthesiologist, anaesthesia assistant, surgeon's assistant or a circulation nurse.

Q-Tec bv 
Oostergracht 40  |  3763 LZ Soest  |  +31 (0)35 543 04 04
info@q-tec.nl  |  www.q-tec.nl
KVK: 65552830  |  VAT: NL856159165B01
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Q-Check is ontwikkeld door Q-Tec - onderdeel van Rotero Holding