
Order the Q-Check

By using below form you can order the Q-Check directly. When you have filled in the details below, we will send you a confirmation with the expected delivery date asap. After delivery you will receive the invoice.

The metaalunie conditions apply to all agreements concluded with us. 

Order form

Delivery address

Your order

Please fill in the correct number of the model/ models you wish to order.

  • Standard
  • Specials



Q-Tec bv 
Oostergracht 40  |  3763 LZ Soest  |  +31 (0)35 543 04 04
info@q-tec.nl  |  www.q-tec.nl
KVK: 65552830  |  VAT: NL856159165B01
IBAN: NL83 RABO 0348 2725 02


© 2025 | Dolphiq Internet
Q-Check is ontwikkeld door Q-Tec - onderdeel van Rotero Holding